WifiSlax is a type of Slax OS made exclusively for wireless hacking. It comes with a bunch of wireless tools preloaded into it. These include Aircrack, Airsnort, kismet, madwifi drivers and many more...
- Focused on Wireless Audit
- Latest tools for Wireless Audit
- Drivers of the most common chipsets in our laptops (innovating with packet injection support)
- Ease of use for the uninitiated in GNU/Linux
- Launchers and GUI tools
- GNU/Linux distribution
- Debian Stable based
Nowadays, not only Wireless Security: /NETWORK VULNERABILITY &
- Compatible with other system
- GRUB as boot loader
- Kernel SMP
- KDE 3.5.10|KDE 4? GÇô Compiz Fusion included GÇô Drivers ATI / Drivers NVIDIA
- Automount new drives GÇô RO/RW over NTFS, HFS and NAS
- Automount new devices GÇô Wireless devices / mouse / etc
- Ease of use regardless of driver
Launch GUI: GÇô Broadcom bcm43xx GÇô Intel IPW2200, IPW3945, IPW4965
GÇô Ralink rt2570, rt73 GÇô Prism, Prism2 GÇô Realtek rt8180/rt8185,
rt8187 GÇô Atheros mode managed, monitor, master
- Problems with your chipset? GÇô usbview, lsusb, lspci, dmesg, etc...
- Audit & security tools
- Wireless chipsets for auditing & pentesting
- Wireless tools GÇô Kismet, machanger, aircrack-ng, aircrack-ptw, etc
- Cryptanalysis tools (WEP/WPA/WPA2, cookie entropy, etc)
Basic Instructions:
1)Boot from cd
2)Get the wep key
3)Write it down
4)Reboot into windows
5)Connect using wep key.
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